doc. RNDr. Petr Hlubina, CSc.

  • Články v časopisech s IF
  • Články v mezinárodních odborných časopisech
  • Články v národních odborných časopisech
  • Články ve sbornících mezinárodních konferencí
  • Články ve sbornících národních konferencí a další

  • Články v časopisech s IF


    URBANCOVA, P., CHYLEK, J., HLUBINA, P., PUDIS, D.: Guided-Mode Resonance-Based Relative Humidity Sensing Employing a Planar Waveguide Structure. Sensors, 20, 2020, 6788.

    GRYGA, M., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Bloch surface wave resonance based sensors as an alternative to surface plasmon resonance sensors. Sensors, 20, 2020, 5119.

    GRYGA, M., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Guided-mode resonance based humidity sensing using a multilayer dielectric structure. Optics Express, 28, 2020, 28954-28960.

    URBANCOVA, P., GORAUS, M., PUDIS, D., HLUBINA, P., KUZMA, A., JANDURA, D., DURISOVA, J., MICEK, P.: 2D polymer/metal structures for surface plasmon resonance. Applied Surface Science, 530, 2020, 147279.

    KANOK, R., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Surface plasmon resonance-based sensing utilizing spatial phase modulation in an imaging interferometer. Sensors, 20, 2020, 1616.

    GRYGA, M., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Sensing concept based on Bloch surface waves and wavelength interrogation. Opt. Lett., 45, 2020, 1096-1099.


    HLUBINA, P., URBANCOVA, P., PUDIS, D., GORAUS, M., JANDURA, D., CIPRIAN, D.: Ultrahigh-sensitive plasmonic sensing of gas using a two-dimensional dielectric grating. Opt. Lett., 44, 2019, 5602–5605.

    GRYGA, M., VALA, D., KOLEJAK, P., GEMBALOVA, L., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: One-dimensional photonic crystal for Bloch surface waves and radiation modes based sensing. Opt. Mater. Express, 9, 2019, 4009-4022.

    HLUBINA, P ., LUNACKOVA, M., CIPRIAN, D.: Phase sensitive measurement of the wavelength dependence of the complex permittivity of a thin gold film using surface plasmon resonance, Opt. Mater. Express, 9, 2019, 992-1001.

    Papers in international conference proceedings

    GRYGA, M., CIPRIAN, D., GEMBALOVÁ, L., HLUBINA, P.: Sensing of gaseous analytes via Bloch surface waves. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Sensing and Detection VI), 11354, Bellingham 2020, 113541B.

    KANOK, R., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Surface plasmon resonance detection based on a phase method in the spatial domain. In Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Sensing and Detection VI), 11354, Bellingham 2020, 113542H.

    GRYGA, M., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Sensing of gaseous analytes via Bloch surface waves. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Sensors 2019), 11028, Bellingham 2019, 110281P.


    CHLEBUS, R., CHYLEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Surface plasmon resonance based measurement of the dielectric function of a thin metal film. Sensors, 18, 2018 č. 11, 3693.

    MICHALSKA, M., GRZES, P., HLUBINA, P., SWIDERSKI, J.: Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a fluoroindate fiber with 1.4 W time-averaged power, Laser Phys. Lett., 15, 2018, 045101.


    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Spectral Phase Shift of Surface Plasmon Resonance in the Kretschmann Configuration: Theory and Experiment, Plasmonics, 12, 2017, s. 1071-1078.

    MICHALSKA, M., HLUBINA, P., SWIDERSKI, J.: Mid-infrared Supercontinuum Generation to 4.7 um in a ZBLAN Fiber Pumped by an Optical Parametric Generator, IEEE Phot. J., 9, 2017, 3200207.

    MILITKÝ, J., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Fiber optic temperature sensing with enhanced sensitivity based on spectral interferometry, Opt. Fiber Technol., 33, 2017, s. 45-50.


    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., DULIAKOVÁ, M., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M.: Surface plasmon resonance based sensing of aqueous solutions using spectral interferometry. Acta Phys. Pol. A, 129, 2016 č. 1, s. 23–27.

    MILITKÝ, J., KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P.: Highly sensitive displacement measurement based on spectral interferometry and Vernier effect. Opt. Commun., 366, 2016, s. 335-339.


    HLUBINA, P., DULIAKOVÁ, M., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D.: Spectral interferometry-based surface plasmon resonance sensor. Opt. Commun., 354, 2015, s. 240-245.

    HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D., MERGO, P.: Temperature sensing using the spectral interference of polarization modes in a highly birefringent fiber. Opt. Lasers Eng., 70, 2015, s. 51-56.


    HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D., SOBOTA, J.: Reflection-based fibre-optic refractive index sensor using surface plasmon resonance. J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public., 9, 2014, 14033.


    HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M., MERGO, P.: Chromatic dispersion measurement of holey fibres using a supercontinuum source and a dispersion balanced interferometer. Opt. Lasers Eng., 51, 2013, s. 421-425.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Theoretical model of the influence of oxide overlayer thick-ness on the performance of a surface plasmon fibre-optic sensor, Meas. Sci. Technol., 24, 2013 č. 2, 025105.

    HLUBINA, P., MARTYNKIEN, T., OLSZEWSKI, J., MERGO, P., MAKARA, M., POTURAJ, K., URBANCZYK, W.: Spectral-domain measurements of birefringence and sensing characteristics of a side-hole microstructured fiber. Sensors, 13, 2013 č. 9, s. 11424-11438.


    HLUBINA, P., OLSZEWSKI, J.: Phase retrieval from spectral interferograms including a stationary-phase point. Opt. Commun., 285, 2012, s. 4733-4738.

    HLUBINA, P., OLSZEWSKI, J., MARTYNKIEN, T., MERGO, P., MAKARA, M., POTURAJ, K., URBANCZYK, W.: Spectral-domain measurement of strain sensitivity of a two-mode birefringent side-hole fiber. Sensors, 12, 2012 č. 9, s. 12070-12081.

    HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D.: Spectral interferometry-based chromatic dispersion measurement of fibre including the zero-dispersion wavelength. J. Eur. Opt. Soc. – Rap. Publ., 7, 2012, 12017.


    SZCZUROWSKI, M., URBANCZYK, W., NAPIORKOWSKI, M., HLUBINA, P., HOLLENBACH, U., SIEBER, H., MOHR, J.: Differential Rayleigh scattering method for measurement of polarization and intermodal beat length in optical waveguides and fibers. Applied Optics, 50, 2011 č. 17, s. 2594-2600.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Birefringence dispersion in a quartz crystal retrieved from a channeled spectrum resolved by a fiber-optic spectrometer. Optics Communications, 284, 2011 č. 12, s. 2683-2686.


    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČEK, J.: Spectral interferometric technique to measure the relative phase change on reflection from a thin-film structure. Applied Physics B, 101, 2010 č. 4, s. 869-873.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D.: White-light spectral interferometric technique to measure a nonlinear phase function of a thin-film structure. Optics Communications, 283, 2010 č. 24, s. 4877-4881.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Absolute phase birefringence dispersion in polarization-maintaining fiber or birefringent crystal retrieved from a channeled spectrum. Optics Letters, 35, 2010 č. 10, s. 1566-1568.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D.: Maxima of the spectral reflectance ratio of polarized waves used to measure the thickness of a nonabsorbing thin film. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 48, 2010 č. 7-8, s. 786-791.

    HLUBINA, P., MARTYNKIEN, T., CIPRIAN, D., WOJCIK, J., URBANCZYK, W.: Broad spectral range measurements and modelling of birefringence dispersion in two-mode elliptical-core fibres. Journal of Optics, 12, 2010 č. 3, 035405, 8 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M.: Measurement of chromatic dispersion of polarization modes in optical fibres using white-light spectral interferometry. Measurement Science and Technology, 21, 2010 č. 4, 045302, 7 s.


    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D, LUŇÁČEK, J.: Spectral interferometric technique to measure ellipsometric phase of a thin-film structure. Optics Letters, 34, 2009 č. 17, s. 2661-2663.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D.: Spectral interferometry and reflectometry used for characterization of a multilayer mirror. Optics Letters, 34, 2009 č. 10, s. 1564-1566.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D.: The effect of silicon substrate on thickness of SiO2 thin film analysed by spectral reflectometry and interferometry. Applied Physics B, 2009 č. 5, s. 985-989.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M.: A simple method for determination of the thickness of a non-absorbing thin film using spectral reflectance measurement. Applied Optics, 48, 2009 č. 4, s. 795-799.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M.: Wide spectral range measurement of modal birefringence in polarization-maintaining fibres. Measurement Science and Technology, 20, 2009 č. 2, 025301, 5 s.

    CHLEBUS, R., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Spectral-domain tandem interferometry to measure the group dispersion of optical samples. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 47, 2009 č. 1, s. 173-179.


    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Dispersion error of a beam splitter cube in white-light spectral interferometry. Opto-Electronics Review, 16, 2008 č.4, s. 439-443.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Spectral interferometry and reflectometry used to measure thin films. Applied Physics B, 92, 2008 č. 2, s. 203-207.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Group index dispersion of holey fibres measured by a white-light spectral interferometric technique. Optics Communications, 281, 2008 č. 15-16, s. 4008-4013.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Windowed Fourier transform applied in the wavelength domain to process the spectral interference signals. Optics Communications, 281, 2008 č. 9, s. 2349-2354.


    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Spectral-domain measurement of phase modal birefringence in polarization-maintaining fiber. Optics Express, 15, 2007 č. 25, s. 17019-17024.

    HLUBINA, P., SZPULAK, M., CIPRIAN, D., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBANCZYK, W.: Measurement of the group dispersion of the fundamental mode of holey fiber by white-light spectral interferometry. Optics Express, 15, 2007 č. 18, s. 11073-11081.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČEK, J., CHLEBUS, R.: Phase retrieval from the spectral interference signal used to measure thickness of SiO2 thin film on silicon wafer. Applied Physics B, 88, 2007 č.3, s. 397-403.

    CHLEBUS, R., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Direct measurement of group dispersion of optical components using white-light spectral interferometry. Opto-Electronics Review, 15, 2007 č. 3, s. 144-148.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČEK, J.: Dispersive white-light spectral interferometry including the effect of thin-film for distance measurement. Optik, 118, 2007 č. 7, s. 319-324.

    HLUBINA, P., CHLEBUS, R., CIPRIAN, D.: Differential group refractive index dispersion of glasses of optical fibres measured by a white-light spectral interferometric technique. Measurement Science and Technology, 18, 2007 č. 5, s. 1547-1552.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KNYBLOVÁ, L.: Direct measurement of dispersion of the group refractive indices of quartz crystal by white-light spectral interferometry. Optics Communications, 269, 2007 č. 1, s. 8-13.


    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČEK, J., LESŇÁK, M.: Dispersive white-light spectral interferometry with absolute phase retrieval to measure thin film. Optics Express, 14, 2006 č. 17, s. 7678-7685.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČEK, J., LESŇÁK, M.: Thickness of SiO2 thin film on silicon wafer measured by dispersive white-light spectral interferometry. Applied Physics B, 84, 2006 č. 3, s. 511-516.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KNYBLOVÁ, L.: Interference of white light in tandem configuration of birefringent crystal and sensing birefringent fiber. Optics Communications, 260, 2006 č. 2, s. 535-541.

    HLUBINA, P., SZPULAK, M., KNYBLOVÁ, L., STATKIEWICZ, G., MARTYNKIEN, T., CIPRIAN, D., URBAŃCZYK, W.: Measurement and modelling of dispersion characteristics of two-mode birefringent holey fibre. Measurement Science and Technology, 17, 2006 č. 4, s. 626-630.


    HLUBINA, P.: Spectral-domain intermodal interference and the effect of a low-resolution spectrometer. Optik, 116, 2005 č. 10, s. 469-474.

    HLUBINA, P.: White-light spectral interferometry to measure the effective thickness of optical elements of known dispersion. Acta Physica Slovaca, 55, 2005 č. 4, s. 387-393.

    HLUBINA, P.: Interference of white light analysed at the output of a birefringent crystal by a fibre-optic spectrometer. Optics Communications, 251, 2005 č. 4-6, s. 367-375.

    HLUBINA, P., URBAŃCZYK, W.: Dispersion of the group birefringence of a calcite crystal measured by white-light spectral interferometry. Measurement Science and Technology, 16, 2005 č. 6, s. 1267-1271.

    Články v mezinárodních odborných časopisech

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Analysis of nanoparticle-based surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor. In: Key Engineering Materials, 605, 2014, s. 131-134.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., LESŇÁK, M., CIPRIAN, D. LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M.: Surface plasmon resonance sensor using spectral interference. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 5, 2013 č.6, s. 577-580.

    Články v národních odborných časopisech

    LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M., LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., POTUČEK, Z.: Určení tloušťky tenké vrstvy z měření spektrální odrazivosti pomocí nové varianty obálkové metody. Jemná mechanika a optika, 54, 2009 č. 6, s. 188-191.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., STATKIEWICZ-BARABACH, G., URBANCZYK, W.: Měření disperze dvojlomu ve dvouvidovém mikrostrukturním optickém vlákně pomocí spektrální interferometrie v bílém světle. Jemná mechanika a optika, 54, 2009 č. 6, s. 176-178.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M.: Měření koeficientu chromatické disperze metodou spektrální interferometrie. Jemná mechanika a optika, 54, 2009 č. 6, s. 168-172.

    LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Vliv použitého modelu odrazivosti na určení velikosti tloušťky tenké vrstvy. Jemná mechanika a optika, 53, 2008 č. 11-12, s. 293-295.

    CHLEBUS, R., HLUBINA, P.: Měření skupinové disperze optického prvku s využitím spektrální tandemové interferometrie v bílém světle. Jemná mechanika a optika, 53, 2008 č. 7-8, s. 223-226.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Využití okenní Fourierovy transformace a waveletové transformace k rekonstrukci fáze spektrálního interferenčního signálu. Jemná mechanika a optika, 53, 2008 č. 4, s. 111-114.

    LESŇÁK, M., LUŇÁČEK, J., TALIK, A., HLUBINA, P., PIŠTORA, J.: Úprava elipsometru Gaertner L119 a jeho použití pro studium tenkých vrstev. Jemná mechanika a optika, 52, 2007 č. 2, s. 40-42.

    CHLEBUS, R., LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LESŇÁK, M.: Měření tloušťky tenké vrstvy SiO2 na křemíkovém substrátu s využitím spektrální interferometrie v bílém světle. Jemná mechanika a optika, 52, 2007 č. 1, s. 13-16.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KNYBLOVÁ L.: Měření disperze skupinového indexu lomu řádné a mimořádné vlny v krystalu křemene pomocí spektrální interferometrie v bílém světle. Jemná mechanika a optika, 51, 2006 č. 5, s. 138-141.

    HLUBINA, P., STATKIEWICZ, G., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBAŃCZYK, W.: Měření disperzních charakteristik vysoce dvojlomného mikrostrukturního optického vlákna interferenčními metodami. Jemná mechanika a optika, 50, 2005 č. 7-8, s. 218-221.

    HLUBINA, P.: Měření disperze dvojlomu krystalu islandského vápence s využitím spektrální interferometrie v bílém světle. Jemná mechanika a optika, 50, 2005 č. 6, s. 196-199.

    Články ve sbornících mezinárodních konferencí

    BEZDĚKOVÁ, I., CHLEBUS, R., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: On correction of the resonant condition in the effect of surface plasmon resonance. In: Proceedings of SPIE (21st Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Lednice 2018), 10976, Bellingham 2018, 1097613, 8 s.

    CHYLEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Surface plasmon resonance for air used for characterization of a metallic layer. In: Proceedings of SPIE (21st Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Lednice 2018), 10976, Bellingham 2018, 1097606, 7 s.

    KAŇOK, R., CHLEBUS, R., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Sensing of liquid analytes using surface plasmon resonance at different angles of incidence. In: Proceedings of SPIE (21st Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Lednice 2018), 10976, Bellingham 2018, 109760P, 8 s.

    KAŇOK, R., BEZDĚKOVÁ, I., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Sensing of liquid analytes via the phase shift induced by surface plasmon resonance. In: Proceedings of SPIE (SPIE Photonics Europe: Optical Sensing and Detection V, Štrasburk 2018), 10680, Bellingham 2018, 106801Q, 8 s.

    CHYLEK, J., BEZDĚKOVÁ, I., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Measurement of the dispersion of a liquid analyte using surface plasmon resonance: a theoretical approach. In: Proceedings of SPIE (SPIE Photonics Europe: Optical Sensing and Detection V, Štrasburk 2018), 10680, Bellingham 2018, 106801R, 8 s.

    MILITKÝ, J., KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P.: Spectral interferometric fiber optic temperature sensor with enhanced sensitivity. In: Proceedings of SPIE (20th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Jasná 2016), 10142, Bellingham 2016, 101421U, 6 s.

    DULIAKOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., Spectral phase-shift detection of surface plasmon resonance. In: Proceedings of SPIE (20th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Jasná 2016), 10142, Bellingham 2016, 1014212, 7 s.

    MILITKÝ, J., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Highly sensitive displacement measurement utilizing the wavelength interrogation. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Systems Design 2015, Jena), 9628, Bellingham 2015, 96281W, 8 s.

    MILITKÝ, J., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Highly birefringent fiber-based temperature sensor utilizing the wavelength interrogation. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Sensors 2015, Prague), 9506, Bellingham 2015, 95061I, 8 s.

    CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., MERGO, P.: Temperature sensing using the spectral interference of polarization modes of a highly birefringent fiber. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Prague, Prague 2014), 9450, Bellingham 2015, 94500E, 8 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M.: Fiber-optic refractive index sensor based on surface plasmon resonance. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Prague, Prague 2014), 9450, Bellingham 2015, 94500A, 8 s.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Model of a double-sided surface plasmon resonance fiber-optic sensor. In: Proceedings of SPIE (19th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference, Wilanow 2014), 9441, Bellingham 2014, 94411I, 7 s.

    HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D.: Surface plasmon resonance based fiber optic refractive index sensors. In: Proceedings of SPIE (19th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference, Wilanow 2014), 9441, Bellingham 2014, 94411H, 7 s.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., OLSZEWSKI, J., MARTYNKIEN, T., MERGO, P., URBANCZYK, W.: Measurements of intermodal sensitivity of a two-mode holey fiber to strain, temperature and hydrostatic pressure. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Fifth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Krakow 2013), 8794, Bellingham 2013, 87940O, 4 s.

    HLUBINA, P., OLSZEWSKI, J., MARTYNKIEN, T., MERGO, P., URBANCZYK, W.: Spectral measurements of polarimetric sensitivity of holey fiber to strain, temperature and hydrostatic pressure. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Fifth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Krakow 2013), 8794, Bellingham 2013, 87940M, 4 s.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Measurement of chromatic dispersion and dispersion slope of fiber using a supercontinuum source. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres II, Prague 2013), 8775, Bellingham 2013, 87750X, 6 s.

    HLUBINA, P., OLSZEWSKI, J., MARTYNKIEN, T., MERGO, P., URBANCZYK, W.: Spectral-domain measurement of polarimetric sensitivity of a side-hole fiber to temperature and hydrostatic pressure. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Sensors 2013, Prague 2013), 8774, Bellingham 2013, 877407, 8 s.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Metal oxide layer influence on the sensitivity of SPR fiber optic sensor. In: Proceedings of SPIE (18th Czech-Polish-Polish Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Sepetná 2012), 8697, Bellingham 2012, 86971N, 9 s.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Zero-dispersion wavelength measurement of fiber polarization modes using a supercontinuum source. In: Proceedings of SPIE (18th Czech-Polish-Polish Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Sepetná 2012), 8697, Bellingham 2012, 86971E, 9 s.

    HLUBINA, P., OLSZEWSKI, J., MARTYNKIEN, T., MERGO, P., MAKARA, M., POTURAJ, K., URBANCZYK, W.: Spectral-domain measurement of strain sensitivity of a two-mode birefringent holey fiber. In: Proceedings of SPIE (18th Czech-Polish-Polish Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Sepetná 2012), 8697, Bellingham 2012, 86971D, 9 s.

    CIPRIAN, HLUBINA, P.: Simulation of surface plasmon fiber-optic sensor including the effect of oxide overlayer thickness change. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Sensing and Detection II, Brussels 2012), 8439, Bellingham 2012, 843927, 11 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M., MARTYNKIEN, T., MERGO, P., URBANCZYK, W.: Spectral interferometry-based dispersion characterization of microstructured and specialty optical fibers using a supercontinuum source. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Microstructured and Specialty Optical Fibres, Brussels 2012), 8426, Bellingham 2012, 84260N, 13 s.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Modeling of a fiber-optic sensor based on surface plasmon resonance including the dispersion of the analyte. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonic Prague 2011, Prague 2011), 8306, Bellingham 2011, 830612, 9 s

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D.: Spectral polarimetry-based measurement of the thickness of a thin film. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection, Munich 2011), 8082, Bellingham 2011, 80822T, 8 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., MARTYNKIEN, T., MERGO, P., URBANCZYK, W.: Broad spectral range measurement of chromatic dispersion of polarization modes in holey fibers using spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection, Munich 2011), 8082, Bellingham 2011, 80820T, 9 s.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., MARTYNKIEN, T., MERGO, P., URBANCZYK, W.: Measurement of chromatic dispersion of polarization modes in holey fibers by white-light spectral interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optics and Optoelectronics: Photonic Crystal Fibres, Prague 2011), 8073, Bellingham 2011, 80732L, 9 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČEK, J.: Spectral ellipsometry based on a channeled spectrum detection to measure the thickness of a thin film. In: Proceedings of SPIE (17th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Liptovský Ján 2010), 7746, Bellingham 2010, 77461H, 8 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBANCZYK, W.: Measurement of dispersion characteristics of two-mode birefringent optical fibers by spectral interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of SPIE (17th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Liptovský Ján 2010), 7746, Bellingham 2010, 77460D, 11 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBANCZYK, W.: Broad spectral range measurement of chromatic dispersion of polarization modes in holey fibers by interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonic Crystal Fibers IV, Brussels 2010), 7714, Bellingham 2010, 77140Z, 9 s.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D.: White-light spectral interferometry and reflectometry to measure thickness of thin films. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VI, Munich 2009), 7389, Bellingham 2009, 738926, 8 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., FROSZ, M. H., NIELSEN, K.: Measurement of chromatic dispersion of microstructured polymer fibers by white-light spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VI, Munich 2009), 7389, Bellingham 2009, 73890J, 9 s.

    FROSZ, M. H., NIELSEN, K., HLUBINA, P., STEFANI, A., BANG, O.: Dispersion-engineered and highly nonlinear microstructured polymer optical fibres. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optics and Optoelectronics: Photonic Crystal Fibres, Prague 2009), 7357, Bellingham 2009, 735705, 9 s.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., STATKIEWICZ-BARABACH, G., URBANCZYK, W., WOJCIK, J.: Birefringence dispersion in elliptical-core fibers measured over a broad wavelength range by interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optics and Optoelectronics: Photonic Crystal Fibres, Prague 2009), 7357, Bellingham 2009, 73570C, 8 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M., STATKIEWICZ-BARABACH, G., URBANCZYK, W.: Broadband measurement of dispersion in a two-mode birefringent holey fiber by spectral interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optics and Optoelectronics: Photonic Crystal Fibres, Prague 2009), 7357, Bellingham 2009, 73570A, 9 s.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M.: Measuring small thickness changes of a thin film by white-light spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optics and Optoelectronics: Optical Sensors, Prague 2009), 7356, Bellingham 2009, 735618, 8 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Spectral-domain interferometric technique used to measure group index dispersion of holey fibers. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Prague 2008, Prague 2008), 7138, Bellingham 2008, 713815, 5 s.

    CHLEBUS, R., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Tandem interferometry used to measure the group dispersion of optical components. In: Proceedings of SPIE (16th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Polanica Zdroj 2008), 7141, Bellingham 2008, 71410V, 7 s.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Variable effective thickness of beamsplitter cube and dispersion error in white-light spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (16th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Polanica Zdroj 2008), 7141, Bellingham 2008, 71410X, 6 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M.: Measurement of birefringence dispersion in polarization-maintaining fibers by white-light spectral interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of SPIE (16th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Polanica Zdroj 2008), 7141, Bellingham 2008, 71411L, 6 s.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M.: Phase retrieval from the spectral interferograms by windowed Fourier transform. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Europe: Optical Micro- and Nanotechnology in Microsystems Technology, Strasbourg 2008), 6995, Bellingham 2008, 69550Z, 9 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., TROJKOVÁ, J.: Spectral-domain measurement of phase modal birefringence in highly birefringent fibers. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Europe: Photonic Crystal Fibres, Strasbourg 2008), 6990, Bellingham 2008, 69900U, 7 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Group dispersion measurement of a holey fiber by white-light spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Europe: Photonic Crystal Fibres, Strasbourg 2008), 6990, Bellingham 2008, 69900J, 8 s.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Differential group index dispersion of a holey fiber measured by white-light spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of ICTON 2007 (International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Rome 2007) IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1796C, Vol. 4, s. 297-300.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: White-light spectral interferometric techniques used to measure the group dispersion of isotropic and anisotropic optical elements. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection V, Munich 2007), 6616, Bellingham 2007, 66161F, s. 8.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R., LUŇÁČEK, J., LESŇÁK, M.: White-light spectral interferometric technique used to measure thickness of thin films. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection V, Munich 2007), 6616, Bellingham 2007, 661605, s. 9.

    CHLEBUS, R., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČEK, J.: Measurement of thin films using slightly dispersive spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optics and Optoelectronics: Nonlinear Optics and their Applications, Prague 2007), 6582, Bellingham 2007, 65821D, s. 9.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., TROJKOVÁ, J., STATKIEWICZ, G., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBANCZYK, W.: Specialty optical fibers measured by interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optics and Optoelectronics: Photonic Crystal Fibres, Prague 2007), 6588, Bellingham 2007, 658811, s. 7.

    HLUBINA, P., SZPULAK, M., CIPRIAN, D., TROJKOVÁ, J., STATKIEWICZ, G., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBANCZYK, W.: Theoretical and experimental analysis of waveguiding in a two-mode birefringent holey fiber. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optics and Optoelectronics: Photonic Crystal Fibres, Prague 2007), 6588, Bellingham 2007, 65880K, s. 9.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČEK, J., LESŇÁK, M., CHLEBUS, R.: Dispersive white-light spectral interferometry used to measure thickness of a thin film on a substrate. In: Proceedings of SPIE (15th Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Liberec 2006), 6609, Bellingham 2007, 66090X, s. 9.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P., TROJKOVÁ, J.: Dispersion measurements of a birefringent holey fiber using white-light spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (15th Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Liberec 2006), 6609, Bellingham 2007, 66090W, s. 8.

    CHLEBUS, R., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Dispersion measurements of anisotropic materials and a new fiber-optic sensor configuration. In: Proceedings of SPIE (15th Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Liberec 2006), 6609, Bellingham 2007, 66090H, s. 10.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: White-light spectral interferometry used to measure the group dispersion of isotropic and anisotropic optical materials. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photonics Technologies for 7th Framework Program, Wroclaw 2006, s. 529-532.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., TROJKOVÁ, J., ., STATKIEWICZ, G., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBAŃCZYK, W.: Interferometric techniques used to measure specialty optical fibers. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photonics Technologies for 7th Framework Program, Wroclaw 2006, s. 107-110.

    HLUBINA, P., SZPULAK, M., KNYBLOVÁ, L., CIPRIAN, D., MARTYNKIEN, T., STATKIEWICZ, G., URBAŃCZYK, W.: Experimental and theoretical analysis of dispersion characteristics of two-mode birefringent holey fiber. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Europe: Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices III, Strasbourg 2006), 6182, Bellingham 2006, s. 519-526.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KNYBLOVÁ L.: Spectral-domain analysis of white light propagation in new sensor configuration comprising birefringent fiber. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Europe: Optical Sensing II, Strasbourg 2006), 6189, Bellingham 2006, s. 378-386.

    HLUBINA, P., KNYBLOVÁ L., CIPRIAN, D.: Measurement of dispersion characteristics of a highly birefringent air-silica microstructured fiber. In: Proceedings of 15th Conference of Slovak and Czech Physicists, Košice 2005, 2006, s. 39-40.

    PIŠTORA, J., VLČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., FOLDYNA, M., ŽIVOTSKÝ, O. Total Internal Reflection Ellipsometry of Periodic Structures. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Prague 2005, Prague 2005), 6180, Bellingham 2006, s. 297-301.

    HLUBINA, P., STATKIEWICZ, G., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBAŃCZYK, W.: Dispersion measurements of the birefringent holey fiber by interferometric methods. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Photonics Prague 2005, Prague 2005), 6180, Bellingham 2006, s. 254-259.

    HLUBINA, P., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBAŃCZYK, W.: Measuring dispersion characteristics of elliptical-core optical fiber using white-light spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Lightmetry 04, Warsaw 2004), 6158, Bellingham 2006, s. 117-124.

    HLUBINA, P.: Applications of dispersive white-light spectral interferometry in optics. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Lightmetry 04, Warsaw 2004), 6158, Bellingham 2006, s. 25-34.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KNYBLOVÁ L.: Two-mode fiber-optic sensors using a white-light spectral interferometric technique. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Fibers: Applications, Warsaw 2005), 5952, Bellingham 2005, s.252-262.

    HLUBINA, P.: Measurement of optical fibers by interferometric methods. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Fibers: Applications, Warsaw 2005), 5952, Bellingham 2005, s.192-203.

    HLUBINA, P., GUROV, I., CHUGUNOV, V.: Measuring the effective thickness of optical elements knowing their dispersion and using white-light spectral interferometry. In: Proceedings of SPIE (14th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Nitra 2004), 5945, Bellingham 2005, s. 112-121.

    HLUBINA, P.: White-light spectral interferometry and its applications in fiber optics. In: Proceedings of SPIE (14th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Nitra 2004), 5945, Bellingham 2005, s.52-63.

    HLUBINA, P.: White-light spectral interferometric technique used to measure the dispersion of the group birefringence of a uniaxial crystal. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IV, Munich 2005), 5856, Bellingham 2005, s. 410-418.

    GUROV, I., HLUBINA, P., TARANIN, M., ZAKHAROV, A.: Evaluation of spectral modulated interferograms by the extended Kalman filtering method. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IV, Munich 2005), 5856, Bellingham 2005, s. 274-280.

    POSTAVA, K., HLUBINA, P., MAZIEWSKI, A., OSSIKOVSKI, R., FOLDYNA, M., ŽIVOTSKÝ, O., PIŠTORA, J., VIŠŇOVSKÝ, S., YAMAGUCHI, T.: Influence of component imperfection on null ellipsometry with phase modulation. In: Proceedings of SPIE (Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IV, Munich 2005), 5856, Bellingham 2005, s. 143-151.

    Články ve sbornících národních konferencí a další

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: White-light spectral interferometric technique to measure a nonlinear phase function of a thin-film structure. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2011, s. 98-101.

    HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M., CIPRIAN, D.: Birefringence dispersion in fiber or crystal retrieved from a channeled spectrum. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2011, s. 25-28.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Zero-dispersion wavelength measurement of polarization modes in a holey fiber by spectral interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of 7th Conference on Mathematics and Physics at Technical Universities, Brno, 2011, s. 47-56.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Simulation of a surface plasmon resonance-based refractive index sensor using spectral interference. In: Proceedings of Development of Materials Science in Research and Education, 21th Joint Seminar, August 29 - September 2, 2011, Kežmarské Žlaby, Slovak Expert Group of Solid State Chemistry and Physics, 2011, s. 40-41.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Simulation of a surface plasmon resonance-based fiber-optic refractive index sensor. In: Proceedings of Development of Materials Science in Research and Education, 21th Joint Seminar, August 29 - September 2, 2011, Kežmarské Žlaby, Slovak Expert Group of Solid State Chemistry and Physics, 2011, s. 38-39.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M.: Measurement of the spectral reflectance ratio of polarized waves used to thin-film thickness determination. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2010, s. 99-102.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBANCZYK, W.: Measurement of dispersion characteristics of birefringent optical fibers by interferometric techniques. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2010, s. 58-63.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBANCZYK, W.: Broad spectral range chromatic dispersion measurement of birefringent optical fibers. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2010, s. 11-15.

    LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M., LUŇÁČEK, J., POTUČEK, Z., HLUBINA, P.: Alternative method to thin-film thickness determination using the spectral reflectance measurement. Proceedings of Development of Materials Science in Research and Education, 20th Joint Seminar, September 1-3, 2010, Bořetice, Czech and Slovak Association for Crystal Growth, 2010, s. 41-42.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Measurement of the spectral reflectance ratio of polarized waves used to thin-film thickness determination. Proceedings of Development of Materials Science in Research and Education, 20th Joint Seminar, September 1-3, 2010, Bořetice, Czech and Slovak Association for Crystal Growth, 2010, s. 39-40.

    KADULOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Dispersion of birefringence in an elliptical-core fiber measured by spectral interferometric techniques. In: Proceedings of 6th Conference on Mathematics and Physics at Technical Universities, Brno, 2009, s. 361-370.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M., POTUČEK, Z., HLUBINA, P.: Thin-film thickness calculation from a spectral reflectance measurement by using a new envelope method. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2009, s. 77-80.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M., MARTYNKIEN, T., URBANCZYK, W.: Interferometric measurement of dispersion characteristics of birefringent optical fibers. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2009, s. 44-47.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P., KADULOVÁ, M., FROSZ, M. H., NIELSEN, K.: Measurement of chromatic dispersion of microstructured silica and polymer fibers. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2009, s. 5-9.

    LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M., LUŇÁČEK, J., POTUČEK, Z., HLUBINA, P.: Thin-film thickness determination from a spectral reflectance measurement by using an alternative envelope method. Proceedings of Development of Materials Science in Research and Education, 19th Joint Seminar, August 31 - September 4, 2009, Závažná Poruba, Czech and Slovak Association for Crystal Growth, 2009, s. 92-93.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M.: Windowed Fourier transform and wavelet transfrom applied to the phase retrieval of the spectral interference signal. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2008, s. 102-105.

    HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., KADULOVÁ, M.: Measurement of birefringent optical fiber by white-light spetral interferometry. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2008, s. 50-53.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P., CHLEBUS, R.: Measurement of group index dispersion of holey fibres using white-light spectral interferometry. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2008, s. 23-26.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., POTUČEK, Z., LUŇÁČKOVÁ, M., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D.: Spectral reflectometry of SiO2 thin films on the silicon wafers. In: Proceedings of Development of Materials Science in Research and Education, 18th Joint Seminar, September 1-5, 2008, Hnanice, Czech and Slovak Association for Crystal Growth, 2008, s. 39-40.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., LESŇÁK, M. CHLEBUS, R.: Measurement of thin film thickness by white-light spectral interferometry. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2007, s. 52-55.

    HLUBINA, P., LUŇÁČEK, J., CIPRIAN, D., CHLEBUS, R.: Measurement of group dispersion of isotropic and anisotropic optical elements by white-light spectral interferometry. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2007, s. 48-51.

    CIPRIAN, D., HLUBINA, P.: Measurement of specialty fibers by spectral interferometric techniques. In: Annual Proceeding of Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, 2007, s. 14-17.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LESŇÁK, M., CHLEBUS, R.: White-light interferometric method to measure thickness of thin films. Material Science and Technology, 7, 2007, 7 s. (pouze internetová verze).

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LESŇÁK, M., CHLEBUS, R.: White-light interferometric method to measure thin films. In Proceedings of Development of Materials Science in Research and Education, 17th Joint Seminar, September 10-14, 2007, Tatranská Štrba, Czech and Slovak Association for Crystal Growth, 2007, s. 38-39.

    LUŇÁČEK, J., HLUBINA, P., CIPRIAN, D., LESŇÁK, M., CHLEBUS, R.: Nondestructive measurement of thickness of silicon oxide thin film on silicon substrate. In: Proceedings of Development of Materials Science in Research and Education, 16th Joint Seminar, September 12-15, 2006, Valtice, Czech and Slovak Association for Crystal Growth, 2006, s. 38-39.
